Overcoming Evil

Who Creates Our Awareness?

Matthew 22:1-14

   Proper Hatred is our knowledgeable decision against evil and is not the opposite of Love. The adversary’s influence, using untoward familiar spirit beings, distorts our perceptions to see Love through Lust, Joy through Fun, Anger through Hatred and Sorrow through Resentment. The emotions of Lust, Resentment, Hatred, and Fun are none of them feelings – but they augment and attach themselves to our responses in a moment causing confusion and misdirection. Ambition combines with Fun to create Excitement; Resentment combines with Hatred to create Spite.  The opposing motivations are the knowledge of good and evil.   Romans 8:1-16


  What is wrong with this type of emotionally self-protective reasoning?: “You are more wrong than I am so that makes me properly righteous and you essentially evil!” 2 Corinthians 10:12 says, But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. The anti-salvation salvation of exclusive self determination, in the name of God, gives to those who are confused about duty and responsibility an almost all pervading apathy.

   This apathy toward the strengths of joy in Christ to intercede for, work with, and fight the good fight for our place of witness with our ‘other half’ creates a paralyzing hostility against the one to whom we are committed. When our faith is applied to sandbagging others to hide frustrations, and/or profit from their miseries, there is not much left to together trust in God’s hands in dispensing with the falsifying floods of adversity. The devil has no access to anybody’s faith except to block it. And, there is nothing he and his hoards of fallen angels can do, without using a person’s choice of will, to do it.

   Each of us has the attributes of perception’s perspective to treat another and others in response to their will and personal desires as we see fit in the risks of faithing our dependence in Christ. Perception’s perspective is not for us to identify our own awareness of understanding, aside from God’s direction(s) (based in our matrimonial positional rank) in ways where treating others ‘fairly the same’ will provide the bogus sense of satisfied controls of stability. When community is thought to be what a household works its works to display for why we have our conscientious conscience we fail to understand that community is made up of the very personal household structures we deny to serve pleasing a cultural order.

   If misconstrued that way, we find ourselves trying to be like everyone else while hoping everyone else remains on the same page we hold as our own dear attachment with our surroundings. ‘Freedom’ of self-determination by slotting in everyone else as the same no matter their place(s) unto us, based in community rather than personal standards of equality, loses its reason when we forget each of us has our own desires of will. We then assume society’s ideals of equality are designed by God, His hand of guidance still remains true for us to accept each our own place of integrity with a mate unto the rest of a family structure… privately as opposed to publically, that starts with Him and ends up with… Him in His goodwill.

   Living for God in Christ in those around us, our loved ones, is about sharing His glory and gratitude for the companionship we allow to be within our committed desires. It is not, as so many religions demonstrate, about fighting evil to rise above others who do not see ‘the light’. Yes, fighting evil is part of our defensive ministry of living the lives we have; but it is not meant to be the primary motivation to trust our hearts with each other against ‘the world’. When we understand that God will be God and we will be His created children regardless of any evil intrusions, we will see His purpose in our reaching out properly to lift out of trouble those who are bound to darkness.

   Ask yourself, “Who will I not dive into a pool to save from drowning.” When someone goes off the deep end it is rash and impulsive to presume they jumped or dived there being unsure of their swimming ability. They may have fallen or been pushed. Are there certain ones you would command to stop screaming and yelling, thrashing about, and slinging water; and then push under the surface for disturbing the peace? If so, you may be simply frightened out of your wits by the situation. In that discovery you will perceive you have been living as someone different than whom you really are.

   Do we make things personal between us, or do we allow Christ to be personal to us. We can be smart, act knowledgeable, and defend our intelligence in order to rate and judge our position with and against those we either hate or admire; usually, resentfully both in ways that modulate who we think we are by who we want to believe others are. When we understand that the gifts of self-importance, the wish to be in control, rests in why God blesses us in Christ (His Holy Spirit Word of Truth), with what is facing us at any time, we then see inferiority and superiority are concepts without merit.

   Micah 6:8 says, “He hath told thee, O man of earth, what is good; what then is God seeking of thee but to do justice, to delight in lovingkindness, and humbly to walk with the Lord?” and 7:19, “He will again have compassion upon us, He will subdue our iniquities; Thou wilt cast into the depths of the sea all their sins.” Usually, the ‘world’ responds to ideas about disposition with reactionary intent within their cognitive/emotional attitudes. But disposition means to be ‘out of position’, thereby dishonoring the authority a man or woman has to those with whom they relate; in applying their own desires and expectations.

   The adversary, the enemy of harmony, deceives us into believing those close to us, those we depend upon for our physical as well as spiritual well being, are inhibiting our successful defenses of the Gospel. They get convinced that there must be another way or another person that may better understand their own desires for relief from the troubles of living. When the life of Paul is considered, we can see that the common ideas about personal happiness, without troubles or hardship because one trusts in God, is a myth perpetuated by greedy, money focused, evangelism.

   The most widespread religious scam is perpetuated by people who try to do things for God by doing things against people who do not conform to their own self-serving opinions about God. “Faithless” people are not void or lacking in their faith given as the measure of faith God supplies to them. They are misappropriating their faith by allowing their fears of risk to blind-side natural affections and trust. Here is the general trouble people use to justify their stealing, where theft is overlooked for what it is to see it as legitimate concerns in practicing behavioral controls over others' places of honor.

   Misinformed this way, people who have honestly accepted their salvation still find it difficult to renounce polarizing their reactionary responses to others and themselves because the brain's trained reward system is finely tuned to the parasitic feeding process the lure of emotionally established self confidence (the elation side of the depressive coin) engrains in one’s heart. Then, attempts are made to mold those close to conform to expectations. Demanding others to be kind denies your own extended kindness because kindness is not a self-centered desire. Wanting another to ‘be like us’ is a like-kind attempt to drain their resources.

   In all things our expectations look to be satisfied by hoping togetherness will prevail but togetherness cannot prevail without refraining from dominating another’s will. Those we interact with throughout any day are either unwittingly open to the devil’s wiles or they are not. When thieves and intentional malicious pranksters give to us troubles, the manifestations of mistakes cause us to blame the person and not the evil source. Strife refers to variance in respect for Who God is in Christ between those who are in positions to care for one another. Contentions, fighting, wrangling, and quarreling hit many marriages and families hard by internal discord that divides children from parents, parents from each other, and households from neighbors.

   When concerned members do not speak to each other and when they fight with one another, sin (self-centered distancing) is at work and the Spirit of togetherness Truth through God’s will of ordered associations is quenched. Numerous families are infected by this spirit with their attentions in and on judging deeds instead of accepting respect for who any deed may be hindering. Behind the resentment any trouble a family member may be allowing to disrupt proper unity are many times secret wishes of those being wronged to have such ‘freedom’ of self-expression without supposed self-restraint.

   Rejecting envious emotions as being opposed to holding proper annoyance against the discovered misdeeds of the member in question, intensifies the pressures of expressed adversity to put down errant behavior, to; “Make sure this doesn’t happen again!” Off-putting structured treatment that forces parameter limitations in order to obtain socially compatible penalties of consequence, by overt/covert example, removes from one’s relatives and fellow neighbors their joyfulness. It pushes them to not realize their own reliance in the duties of living - with and among those whom they are promised – according to their God given rights to be with who it is his or her faith may take hold.

   Conversational ingenuity becomes so ingrained in keeping established a word of self distinction that vague inferences take on superiority over plain speaking; and strains the seeking/yearning heart of knowing straight forward faith in God’s Word – the Man, not the book. Further embedded as false parables that phony presumptions prompt people to rely in as intellectual advantage, are the dogmatic interpretations drawn from assuming that God Himself is the Bible; that the properly unknowable aspects of His glory and righteousness are found in what simple lack of understanding of Scriptural meanings convey.

   Like any relation, a person sees substance in when rating the past with the future according to price-conscious value appraisal, the flight of the imagination views people outside realizing others as real people. These most extreme considerations always tend to last because their self-supportive logic loops (false common sense) forgets to know gratefulness. We need to be very careful what we accept to believe about those with whom we are associated. Exaggeration, hyperbole, and supposition create negative perceptions in opposition to faith, trust, and naturally honorable codependence.

   Instinctual reasoning recognizes that Jesus Christ is innocent of the wrongdoing people involve themselves. It is sensibly and emotionally more secure to focus attention toward the errors people make because the physically obvious source of mistakes are the people who are mishandling events. It is unreasonable to realize, and continue to realize, that Christ Himself purposely takes responsibility for anything and everything that emanates from humanity’s malcontent efforts to establish prominence over the moments.

   However, God is not polarized as people who believe He is the good side of the satanically polarized knowledge of good and evil they hope in their falsely directed genuine assurance that He is. Many believers are devoted to the fashion of God, joining hands with worldly wisdom in what personal relationship means to one’s own self-worth, upholding ungodly parties of emotional pleasures in dancing, festivities, song, and theatrical display.

   The Church, as people envision the meaning of Church, has become an outlet for pent up pressures of living where social agreement about self-esteem becomes an acquired towing of the line of dogma and doctrine based on the “God experience”. Such conditions do not exist without cause. Through the unwitting (not always) collaboration by pastoral leadership with diabolic intents of satanic pressures, founded in pride and egotistical self elaboration, the natural instinctual hungers of survival of the flesh are fed soothing and uplifting enticements that undermine the purposes for the Gospel.

   Spiritual darkness that falls upon nations, churches, marriages, and individuals is due, not to an arbitrary withdrawal of the succors of divine grace on the part of God, but to neglect or rejection of divine light on the part of men. Through chasing experiences that give a false sense of purpose in Gospel believing, people’s hearts become earthly and sensual to where the psycho-emotional practices of the Church in Christ’s Name becomes a replacement for the natural and properly sensual privacy shared in a marriage between a man and a woman. Thus, these people are in ignorance concerning God’s care and concerns through Christ - through their belief in accepting their redeemer, they are rejecting their Redeemer.

   Believers have erringly put “darkness for light and light for darkness” until the light which was in them became darkness; and how great was that darkness! For the same reasons, the children of Israel bound themselves to die in the wilderness to not participate in God’s promised Promise Land. By their meddling with their own social engineering pride that they were God’s chosen people, they denied the spirit of leadership in Moses God desired for them to honor. In their know-it-all self-righteous spirit of protectionism, they retained a rebellious way against respect for who God placed Moses to be to facilitate their delivery to the life God prepared for them to live.

   As Moses was chosen by God to be the redemptive and prophetic example of Jesus Christ, it was God’s intention that the people be followers of a guiding authority. Today, as the law is fulfilled in Christ as the Groom to the Bride, the Church, of His Body of believers, any man married to any woman has their combined representative position in the Body of Christ to obediently follow Him, with the Victory of His Resurrection, the people of Israel under Moses could only hope to have possessed. Most people are as honest as they know how to be… but, most people do not know how to be very honest.

   The barrier between usual standards of morality and immorality (not to be confused with mortality and immortality) is an imaginary fence, or parallel fences with a ‘neutral zone’ between, that contrasts the opposed differences. There are those who are considered generally good people and those who are thought to be lawless and corrupt. We wonder what makes a person cross the fence from “good person” to “bad person” and get lost trying to figure it out because we judge people according to useful acceptable acts based in varied majority opinion, and useless unacceptable acts based in varied majority opinion.

   What is called the grey area between agreed areas of morality and immorality is made up of paradox in changing situations where one situation may allow what another will not. Trying to manage all the various degrees of particulars of every and all patterns of circumstances and situations, combined with the unique differences and level of development of each person from another, gives rise to general overall standards that must ignore specific consideration for the “parts that make up the whole”. This does not mean to imply there are no particular acts of goodness and evil that are other than good or evil, respectively, that do not apply in all circumstances and situations for everyone at all times.

   But, even then, what is done to properly deal with the person(s) and consequential results is entirely another separate matter that may vary depending on who, what, where, when, how, and why. Entertaining the unrealistic concept of ‘necessary evil’ presumes an optional righteousness that forms the basis for charitable giving for the wrong reasons. The fence between morality and immorality, good and evil, is an imaginative manufactured concept that pragmatic reason and logic must uphold in response to what usually does and does not physically work.

   On one side of the fence is the idea of good and on the other side of the fence is the idea of evil. Without understanding the overall purposes for self preservation, desire, and companionship each person must vie for establishing their own patterns of survival that at once complies with social acceptance and opposes personal obscurity. It is an impossible task for an individual or group to acknowledge all the possible variables while maintaining a sense of stability that adheres to good that will always be good in the face of evil that will always be evil.

   The reason for this is found in the basic necessities of everyone’s natural physical livelihood. Consequently, the unknowable area between the indefinable fences of good and evil is where all reality exists. People believe that God shares society’s moral standards, but Jesus told the Pharisees in Luke 16:15, what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God. We find comfort and a sense of belonging by comparing ourselves to human standards. And, when we consider a world in constant poverty, turmoil, and war, none of us feels too out-of-sorts with righteousness.

   Two people may have conflicting positions each deeming, necessarily, the other immoral. They may both be right, they may both be wrong, or one or the other may be right while the other is wrong – they both are decidedly right in defending their belief and decidedly wrong in perpetuating the conflict by centering on disagreement against compromise instead of resolution without compromise. Knowing who is who in what is what to whom can only be found outside mankind’s divisive expectations. As a result, most interpretations of Scripture, as applied to determining choices in acting and reacting to our and other’s purposes, are founded in human traditions and perceptions.

  That is with emphasis derived from ways of being in temporal life as the baseline standard for God’s eternal will. People deceive themselves, with generous help from the adversary, by making God in their own image. Condemnation against evil to bolster one’s own position of faithful defense falsely justifies judgment against evildoers with a spirit of righteous indignant pride. Reflecting social morality in the glow of Biblical Gospel witness offsets the fears of inadequate personal ability to overcome hidden discrepancies. Condemnation of a soul for works of darkness to achieve capitulation, by the use of fear of God’s power to destroy, is drawn from Old Testament Law.

   Pre-Christ, BC, controls of restrictive ordinance used afterward, AD, in dealing with others is contrary to conviction of the heart unto recognition of repentance in Christ’s love through grace and mercy. Everyone, without exception, is straight laced, conscientious, and wholesome in their heart of hearts because everyone’s heart of hearts is redeemed in Jesus Christ’s righteousness. God has already forever finished His work but the working out of His work is being accomplished for eternity as each of us lives out our time. We often hear extractions from Scripture such as, “unequally yoked” used to make excuses to follow worldly moral convention.

   But marriage is a priority of security between a man and woman who live in ongoing decisions not to be drawn every-which-way by a variety of temptations and tactics. A financial stability litmus test cannot be used to evaluate the levels of God’s response to personal dedication of faith. Too many people are working by forcing circumstance; with all their spiteful 'self-protective' might, trying to show God their marriages (and therefore their lives) are not worth saving. Acts 16:30-31 says, "…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household."

The Devil

   Between God, people, and the devil it is people who use restrictive silence as a weapon. The thrill of pride resentful rebellion brings is blind to the joyful appreciation of obedient respect to chosen authority. Visual orientation of the physical senses is the deception behind the concept, "Out of site, out of mind." Who is not presently at arm's reach often is perceived as semi-imaginary. In all areas of living and all aspects of human interaction throughout the centuries ‘bait and switch’ techniques permeate the plying of other’s wills for selfish intentions. However, there is no distance in the truth of spiritual realities.

   The knowledge of good and evil is the evaluation of ourselves, others, and the world around us, to find personal security. This personal security extends ‘naturally’ to our selfish awareness of others and how they, in unison with us, can create a safe and pleasing society. It possibly would work if it were not for the enemy’s deceptive cunning and God’s plan for our completeness in Christ. The false reality of the enemy is a belief that the world can be a beautiful place at the hands of people - that we can devise tools and ways of being through the rule of law and self-awareness that will bring peace and goodwill. The devil uses people to arrange events to appear as if in God’s providence they, “Just happened that way.”

   When we trust in others and ourselves as extensions of the environment, our thinking and emotions are misaligned and drawing from the wrong source. This wrong source is intelligent and ever more powerful than people - leaving no one untouched at any time. It is why “good people” can have a dark side that hurts others and themselves. Thus, the precepts, standards, and principles of Christianity are used and molded to fit the will of man. For example, the numerical placement of the letters in the English alphabet were not arranged by God, as the language is a derivation and a combination of other earlier languages and trends of experience.

   So, the numerical placement of the 26 letters are an intentional, but haphazard, setting by people. The belief in numerology and its effects is mostly imagined in a way where the pressures of being convinced about symbolic meaning causes people to act as if there is a kind of power being drawn from the occurrence of numerical meanings behind the language. The choices made then, sway a person to treat others differently than they really are. That, of course, causes a cause that would not have been a cause and leads one to think the process is validated by the difference.

   It is the same with days on the calendar and times on the clock because the numbering of time and days as we do it is another invention for the conveniences of people. Believing in those particulars of non-coincidence as a way to verify or avoid situations (to take control), without recognizing God's authority to be in command through time and words beyond our own limits to realize, is a way to avoid accountability. It is dishonest dealing with one's self and others because the intrigue and significance of confidence in such matters brings confusion, frustration, and disappointment.

   Worry, because of concern for us with others, can easily be transformed by fear into misgivings of suspicion. Example: Though it may be a truthful statement to inform another we believe they are being foolish, it is a self incriminating untruthful attack to tell another they are a fool. A grudge is often sparked by an intensified desire for valid recognition regarding previous neglect. One of the marks of a thief, and Satan is a thief (a soul pirate), is to make it appear as if a problematic situation is the victim's fault. Indignation, insecurities, and shame relating to a matter infiltrate our being in a way where we must deal with overcoming a situation that need not have been.

   Because we are responsible in our caring, the hardships thrust upon us cause us to feel we, and/or others, own the purpose of faulty dealings. The only actual conspiracy is in the unseen realm of spiritual warfare over our place in life. As we are disoriented into not appreciating God’s active and benevolent power over our lives, we have the habits of making mountains out of molehills – and molehills out of mountains. When we are involved in working to overcome a situation that has us uncomfortable, we tend to insinuate our will of discovery to justify our fault finding by labeling ourselves and others into fixed categories.

   This seats, instead of removing, demonic pressures and leads to the idea; "What you don't know, won't hurt you" - the misunderstanding is our ignoring the influences of darkness while we investigate people to find a handle to focus our decisions. When we play God we also end up playing the devil because we cannot be either one. Role playing an overlord will bring rebellion from the subject and increase the multitasking manipulator’s tendency to quash the rebellion. Usually, the mountain we are not seeing is considered a molehill because it is hidden in our perception that a molehill is a mountain.

   But, we have the power in Christ to cast any mountain, or molehill, into the sea of darkness where it belongs while freeing people, us and others, from the influences of evil we have been holding everyone responsible. However, there is a responsibility we and others have fallen to in accepting the intrusive evil we allow as a way to get our way. The deceptive confusion is centered in identifying our self serving desires with our right of existence. Our sense of a prideful right of existence comes from the awareness that we see and know, but are unable to determine why.

   Since we have the God given will and freedom to believe and follow anyone or anything we wish, including ourselves, the soul is wide open for the enemy to use our will and freedom to mock God. Our very existence here is for the purpose of overcoming slavery to the world and self, by relying in faith in the dynamic life of God through us. Our slavery is to our thoughts and emotions as our reactive emotions respond to our thinking and our reactive thinking, in turn, responds to our emotions in an ongoing loop of past consideration and future fantasy, which rejects the reality of the present by using others.

   We are in turmoil because we do not know how to stay in the present - a moment by moment living that requires us to understand God’s purposes in all situations. We are unable to understand from and of ourselves - separate from a conscious trust in God - because being aware in a way removed from the Giver of Life is to rely on our own thinking and emotions ruled by Satan and his hoard of demonic entities. Familiar spirits do not isolate themselves to singular individuals. We get confused about hatred and evil because we are supposed to hate evil but we identify our hatred for evil with the evil itself. This gives the tendency to accept the goodness of hatred against evil as part of the evil it is good to hate.

   Confusing it more is we hate the knowledge of the good of the knowledge of good and evil because it is enfolded into Christ’s death along with us. We hate a part of ourselves because we have been taught to recognize our shortcomings where we like to be selfish. Then, we have the assumption it is good to teach others to hate others in order to cause them to see their ‘goodness’ for improvement – or to remove their presence from our recognition because they call attention to our own convictions. But, the only true goodness is in the Resurrection away from, and out of, the shifting balances of our self preservation techniques where there is no evil of darkness to offset a false light of personal knowledge.

   The unwavering goodness of our complete being will only be fulfilled when we are with Christ - giving us the present opportunity to have the humility of the self, with the strength of the force of anger of God’s righteousness against the evil working its way in those around us. When we are coming against the evil influencing a person(s) we cannot attack the person in a way that does not respect their position and place unto us and others. But, when there is deception of the heart, the endeavor to help others help themselves help us to help them for Christ’s sake usually is rejected as a personal attack. This is where time and silence are often used as weapons against better ways.

   The enemy’s influence is strong and destructive. His demons are disembodied spirits who are immortal, bound to human mortality through un-natural intrusion, and 'need' a host to 'survive'. They cannot function in any area of human enterprise, personal or public, without plying the wills of men and women. Care must be taken to consider that anything, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, one may put their efforts to doing might perhaps not be from demonic influential pressures. However, fallen angels use our thoughts and emotions, surroundings, and environment to draw us away from trust and faith in God. It causes the belief that we are desired for who we are when we are fought over, but the fight causes dismay over the conflict.

   Misunderstanding chastisement as ridicule, we lose our senses of humility and respect for God when our personal wishes bring angry emotional expectation of self-fulfillment. When we resent our own mishandling of circumstances, we tend to blame others for not fulfilling our wants. This is when we resent the grace and mercy God provided through the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. So, as demons are fascinated with disharmony because they need to disarray the strength of peace of people to facilitate their hosting, they play everyone like banjos against each other.

   Untoward changes in behavior, as altered through fear, is used to cause intimidation; instead of an honest humility by choice of response to a loving ever-present Creator. It is the enemy working through people that causes the harm and damage. The harmed will almost always blame the violating person(s) for not being strong enough to avoid causing harm. We consider intent and can find no capacity for it in a person because the capacity of wrong intent is not of the person but of the dark source working through them - through their thoughts and emotions.

   The forces of evil are most intense through one’s with conscience enough to want to trust in God as well as the one’s most separate from God. The enemy’s reason for this is always to undermine faith and trust through pride to divert time and words into substitute works. Then, works take prominence over respect for one’s identity in Christ through their various levels of identity with companions. So, we use our thoughts and emotions as a foundation for belief in our rightness and call our rightness as being from God because we cannot comprehend a knowing of good and bad as being separate from God.

   When we learn to realize God will give us the understanding and consciousness to use instead, we will find the thoughts and emotions we have been taught to think of as us, cannot be used to make a perfect world. It would be a world that was not designed to be for the Glory of God, but of man. Mankind can be the Glory of God in and to the world as a witness to others to follow the pathway to life, but the life of God as a part of the fulfillment of Christ must by its truth be separate from the false reality that world knowing brings.

   We understand there is no one for which Christ hasn’t paid a full price. He took on all the consequences of our wrongdoing to give us the opportunity to stand against Satan and his ways. The adversary knows he and his minions of fallen angels will be judged by us, the members of the body of Christ, because we are direct witnesses of their evil in our lives. When demonic entities infiltrate our intents and purposes, we become our own worst enemies as we have become the enemy of God by allowing our authority to be diverted.

   To inflict penance for retribution onto others, in the name of “Tough Love” that derives its energy from the Law of Moses, is to re-punish Christ on the Cross. This is why pranks, mockery, and harassment are as destructive to the practitioner as they are the victim(s). Hazing others for wrongs, whether assumed or actual, brings the darkness of the evil recognized into the heart(s) of the self-righteous (and struggling righteous) indignant through identifying with the problem instead of accepting the solution provided in Christ's resurrection.

   We call our knowledge based cleverness 'intelligence' and ridicule differences of ways of living. We believe we are the master, or god, of our domain while we identify with assuming God is a God of ridicule against anyone who does not comply with His will - forgetting His mercy, grace, and compassion. Scoffing is based in the over-protective fear of being ultimately exploited (used) with the recognition that the exploitation has already occurred in some way, whether we can identify the source or not, so we strike against those we wish were a better example to uphold our distortions.

   Chaos addictions can be thwarted by practicing to always laugh with someone over successes and never against anyone over failures. This way, empathy and concern will replace setting others up to exploit from their miseries. The Work of life for each of us is a gift waiting for us to acknowledge and accept, as we live through each day, moment by moment. We become glad to understand that the evil in others, the believing into and from self, others, and surroundings, does not belong as part of them. We love their completeness in Christ whether they are accepting their gift of life or not.

   We know they are confused and deceived or they wouldn’t be so with us. We see and realize we are responsible for others, and the wrong they do and cause, because we have accepted our part in the resurrection of Christ. Our prayer and intercession is in response to the situations and people around us for God’s sake without a hidden personal gain motive. As we learn to be conscious of the plight of the fallen (of which we are, have been, or are in the process of casting aside; a member) our cares and concerns must be taken to and left with God in faith.

   When we trust God with the faith He gave us to trust Him with, we can exercise the strength of conviction our actions need in responding to other's needs, as we encounter difficulties, according to what we have and where we are. Recognition of personal error, and the harm of consequences our deceptions have caused others, will usually bring the fears of self effacing worry that we are too evil and destructive to warrant forgiveness. The more we realize damages done the more our shame and fear seems to bind us from reaching out to the ones we know we should.

   The helpless feelings of emotionally negative unworthiness can blind us to the understanding that our condition is exactly why God sent His Son to die in our behalf. It is true we have allowed our will of response to evil influences to deceive us into overriding our better judgment. And we do understand there is no solace of shared condition that others have wronged us and others. But, just as Jesus Christ acquired the victory over all things is in our behalf, our joy of discovery is the oppressive darkness that drags our being is no longer of us as we thought it was ours to own.

   Living in faith unto God requires us to act and react to others in situations and times - positive and negative - with kindness, patience, and understanding of who they are ultimately in Christ. It is not a simply a legalistic effort (no matter what they have done or what they do to us) with the priority of respect to our place in and under authority - the first and foremost being the institution of marriage. The difficulty many of us fear is the misunderstanding others most often use to condemn us for our wrong as we are being right in being honest for the sake of redemption. It is a very difficult thing because our pride will want us to blame others and ourselves; thereby withholding the grace God gave His Son to manifest life through us.

   He gives to us the security and boldness in Him to “rat out” to our God given partner the evil done through us in a witness against our collective fall by the dark messengers. When adverse circumstances are overwhelming beyond seeming endurance, a couple should always be counseled together, and never separately, by an understanding, adept, prayerful surrogate mediator in the intercessory ‘role’ of Christ. Counseling works to divide integrated marriage responsibilities when suggested implications about respect and dignity, esteem, focuses on individualism.

   Faith in who one’s mate is in Christ, repentance (turning away) from selfishness, leads to appreciation of duties while a false faith in defending one’s own rights to be appreciated weaken realizing the reasons marriage exists to lead mutual obedience to God. Counseling is not counseling unless it guides both who are being counseled to place their trust in each other in trusting the able hands of our Father above. Learning coping skills to accept traumas as a part of dealing with problems is a substitute for reliance in our God given yearning to live in His active leading will.

   Group therapy where individuals share like difficulties, as separate from their personal home setting,  with unknown and personally uninvolved others is as destructive to the responsible health of a person’s soul alignment with God through faith as anything can be. Private personal matters are private personal matters because people are designed to respect others dealing with their own private personal matters in their own household. When compromises are made to gossip oneself to strangers who suffer with similar issues, there is an averaging out into acceptance that problems are as beneficial to living as being free of those problems.

   This is reinforced by ideas to own what is wrong in order to realize how wrong it is to oneself and others – to create enough of a pattern of fear founded aversion to the wrong that recovery has a positive way to go. But, people experience anxiety and depressions about real issues in real life where real problems need real healing solutions rather than forming ways to integrate the wrongs socially into subjection to better less wrongs. Overblown self interest in the place of respect for authorities under God (even in the name of God) is why proper stable mental and physical functions suffer. Treating maladjustment symptoms brought about by what is thought to be mental illness embeds, rather than releases, the overwhelming bondage a person may be under.

   Confusion is the underlying cause behind most mental disorders and most physical illnesses are brought about by the same. And, of course, the many forms of addiction (habit) are both mental and physical. When someone is seen doing what is considered wrong, it is usually automatically assumed he or she does not know how wrong the wrong is they are doing. Or, if we believe they do know how wrong what they do is, they either do not care or are so down on their self that the problem is perceived as bigger than they are.

   Additionally, because people look for ways to lift their ego, there is often a condemnation of the person(s) as being inept, stupid, ignorant, lazy, or evil; and certainly hell-bent-ungodly (and, who isn’t?). We do not know why a particular person does what we believe is wrong to do. Usually we think a person does not know the underlying reasons they may be wrongfully aggravating our expectations. Furthermore, we are genuinely puzzled and/or angry to consider that someone would intentionally do what we view as wrong for a specific reason we may not understand.

   Complicating this, we consider the costs of what others do; and use the general valuations money, labor, and less fortunate people suffer through as just reasons to step over the lines of propriety and deference to prevent a man or woman to exercise their own will to live their personal lives, to say and do what their personal convictions allow. He or she may be seemingly involved in some form of addictive habit (anything anyone takes a liking to do can be habit forming) we assume could not possibly be intentional for any specific reason or reasons.

   The only way to know is to ask... if it is our place to ask. Otherwise, it is not our business to do more than pray about it, though a man has the duty to ask his wife about any of his concerns about her, and a wife has the same duty of her husband. Of course, each a man and his wife have their own duty to reply as best they can to sort out any misunderstandings. This is where modern workplace environments are unnaturally intrusive into personal and private affairs.

   With underage children, the avenue of disclosure is not mutual as it is between the parents, as parents are in the responsible position of right to know while a child is in the responsible position of right to honestly make plain their motives so that his or her parents may lead and guide their upbringing. One of the reasons underage children do not have rights to their parents privacy in mutual open disclosure of all they are to one another, as the man and woman share exclusively, is children’s’ natural course in their own lives to make their maturity an out-of-the-nest respect for his or her parents efforts.

   Since mental and physical wellness is misunderstood to be our goals in achieving victory over discomfort and troubles, we lose that victory by ignoring that mental and physical wellness are under the direction of who a person is in his or her soul being. Thus, if God is not a living reality but a concept that people use to feel at ease with the unknowable, then all persons who are personally involved with the subject would need to endure their own treatment in tandem.

   The soul person is the reason for mental and physical existence. It is designed for building structured self esteem to elevate one’s pride in mind and body, in order to counteract a person’s egotistical compensation for self disgust (either personally made shame over guilt or projected from ill treatment by others – nearly always a combination of the two). Otherwise, ‘feeding the animal’ will eventually cause deeper and more intense emergence of the problems when it again gets hungry. Diffusing the negatives across a network of people does not reduce individual intensities as much as it drags down the overall average of wellness in the population by “spreading the disease” of ‘confidentiality’.

By particular request:

   Paranormal activities, including 'alien abductions', are always in response to the beliefs of those who are observing/experiencing un-usual and unexplainable phenomena. When there are people enmeshed by will of dedication in some way with other people, either one or the others' beliefs affect all involved according to what dark entities (ostracized fallen angels) have in ‘mind’. They can be legitimately called, 'psychic (of the soul) parasites'.

   They are seeking to dissuade godly awareness, the power authority of Christ’s hand in peoples’ faith-active living, through diversion and intrigue. They are the world’s inhabiting source of jealousy, envy, and strife - misdirected motives - because they begrudge God for giving humankind life eternal for the asking. The idea of contacting the dead, through séance or any other means, is only an involvement with wicked entities that know who that departed person is in one’s own memory about them; combined with their past personal living soul presence while they were temporally (physically) alive.

   Ghosts are disembodied spirits in the sense that they have cast aside their proper heavenly shield of status in God’s righteousness and in some way have inhabited the will of intentions of a person or persons. They are frightening because they are afraid being where they ought not to be. Conjuring and the like, (including hypnotism) leads only to stirring natural instinctual flight or fight emotions that, then, prompt wonder, awe, and exciting fleshly self-interest.

   That means, frankly, identity manipulation is the goal of their compulsions in their attempts to control power. Reincarnation and channeling… same dabbling with demonic collective consciousness. Psychotropic and euphoric narcotic medications, methamphetamines as well as marijuana, can tear or break a person’s soul-protective mortal shield. Illicit drugs, the intentional poisoning of one’s self for sensational effect, builds a false fence of self-importance that attempts to combine evil and good together as the light of life.

   Extra Sensory Perception, remote viewing, and overt 'constructive pressures' lead to godless wondering in quasi-dreamlike confusion. It throws a ‘special me’ covering over faithless self-esteem focused education that feigns itself as real. Emotionally flaring intensity, where personal desire cries to overthrow God’s directive authority, deprives those suffering from disconcert in hardship straightforward honest respect for moderation of curiosity. It dishonors others’ composure in their own responses to Christ centered leading.

   Kinesthetic style mirroring, trending, and ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ salesmanship techniques attempt positive identity attachments with temporal self-preservation to extract from a person’s faith-active will motivated resentment against undesirable conditions. In a very real sense the procedures are akin to methods of witchcraft – also steeped within organized church settings increasingly engaged round the world; one can understand social religiosity for what it is.

   A slithery sneaky method of religious belief is the combination of modern communications with the mind control techniques that were used long before most of us were born. For example, in the 1930s certain leaders were enthralled with, or guided by, a Hierarchy of Masters of Wisdom network that gave “Christ leaders toward a rightful destination of godhood” to those in leading offices in various countries. There existed in the backdrop to World War II devout belief in altered states of consciousness that were attained through occult practices that seem as if they are simple relaxation or self-centering wholeness concepts.

   Their efforts were focused in using from ancient sources such as initiation into orders of the then secret Tibetan Gnosis. Psychic powers, or powers of persuasion, were developed to orient thought loops of mirrored validation which produced adherence to personality driven devotion. Telepathic communications became the foundation of warfare intensity to serve the “Unknown Master” who  used systematic visualization as the key to contact with the masters. Similar is the ‘guided imagery’ used by psychiatrists and psychologists and in many claimed to be Christian healing ministries.

   Some groups attach the term ‘clinical’ to processes designed to regulate responsive (irresponsible) intrusive management (manipulation) of others’ living ethics; in inappropriate efforts to reorder their private well-being accountability. Thus, psychic vampirism is using covert persuasion to get another person to follow one's wishes. Invisible forces, misinterpreted as movement of the Holy Spirit is mentioned in some church practices as a way to compensate with the will of people for the will of God.

   Bewitching others comes from having bewitched one’s self by allowing personal desires to mean others’ desires are less important. That happens through haphazard selfish attentions without trust in God’s created measures designed for marriage and family to honor. When seeking is taken for self-fulfillment in priority over faith in belonging, trying to overwhelm the will(s) of those near of devoted place with their personal faith and love interest, there comes a wedge driving spirit of opposition that works in concert with ailments, illnesses, and economic deprivation.

   We cannot help what we have been unknowingly taught and/or pressured into but we can learn to identify retaliation against others for personal gain is a signal to show us to relinquish what we have learned to use to take advantage of other’s weaknesses to hide our own. We generally make the mistake of identifying people with the evil that works through them. “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream,” is an illusion of escapism away from facing God’s realities thought to be the bondage against His freedom religions promote.

   When we see John 3:16-21 applies to those with who we are at opposition; we understand a sense of respect for their efforts in dealing, though wrongly, with their troubles and misery. We do not need to fight the devil by fighting people. That is God’s job in Christ’s victory. It is why Matthew 25:31-46 is so important to understand within the first-things-first levels of commitment we are given the gifts to enjoy.

The 8th deadly sin:  Loathing

   If what you believe about yourself is inaccurate, and what you believe about others is inaccurate, then what you do to help yourself and others will be ultimately destructive. The entities of influence of darkness we wish to overcome are feeders on rage against our lives because it seeks undivided attention. Some people, who are demoniacally traumatized, will let their families and communities be destroyed by working to constantly shift their attempts to escape their torment by setting up others into diversions of destruction - simply to evade discovery.

   We do not need to secretly do anything (…wrong to make it right…) when we are honest about what we desire to do for the right reasons. What God says about us through Christ is the only sure solution: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me." This is done by honoring our positions of commitment to others unto God for His sake and not our own. God is not a magical genie in the sky. He works His miracles through our hands as we trust in Him through those around us.

   When we see what is viewed as unexpected negative results it is not whether our or an other's faith is lacking. It is the denial of the gift of faith we have because of the fear adverse circumstances and perspectives tend to bring. Others will block our progress to test our endurance but the building of character the world deems as improvement is only a hindrance to success. Although the working of virtue through patience and long-suffering is beneficial, it is not the goal of our walk in response to the gift of Life for Christ's sake. This would mean the evil had a place in righteousness.

   Jewels in a righteous crown are blessings in reward for faithfulness, they are not provided in response to our endurance through the evil suffering of hardship. Evil suffering is not a strain of painful load that teaches any sort of faithfulness. When we are caught up in ourselves, we tend to require others to be responsible to our sense of reality. As we understand that God invites us to be caught up in Him for His purposes in the place we have unto others, we find our responsibilities are unto others for God's sake. Of course, we must keep the priorities of position to our married partner first, children next, extended family, friends, work associates, etc. respectively.

   When others take advantage of our outward interest in their welfare, they are being caught up in themselves having yet to realize their place unto God through their place unto the people around them. It tends to force us into once again being caught up in ourselves in such a way that the others' responses cause us to defend who we are in Christ. Our responses to the wisdom of the world within others (because they are not responding to the wisdom of God) in sharing the understanding of our witness, brings greater opposition by feeding the self protectiveness of others. They believe they are defending their concerns being caught up in themselves - especially if the others have built a self-serving faith based in the concepts and attributes of God in defiance to Who He actually is.

   But, realizing the virtue of our patience and long-suffering - the anguished pain of bitterness against the evil we see working in and through others - allows us to know, in their own way, the others are as concerned about the nature of things as are we. Rejoicing in victory refrains from gloating over an enemy’s defeat. The reason our compassion is felt so deeply, and our anger over atrocities is so intense, is not based in the insult against our own life as much as it is in the insult against God's awareness within our hearts. In this regard, it is the same situation within the deviously demented user who is most caught up in their-self because the inward torment of wrong as right intensifies the bondage of knowing they are causing harm to others for their own gratification. This causes increased hidden emotions of inadequacy that overreact to compensate by idolizing others.

   Identifying with the fantasy (the inaccurate valuation of another) causes a realization of projected falsehood. Transferring the embarrassment for having made the mistake that reflects the original misery that created the overvaluation of the other, the other is blamed for not measuring up to the false and unknown standard - and a “brush off” of the other as insignificant reinforces our own fantasy of diversion into egotistical self preservation. As the esteem of another falls to actuality, the errors of judgment find a deeper separation from the sense of value of purpose in life one is born to realize.

   The fears about not knowing, through not knowing, brings about a reaching out again to the surrounding material world. These persuasions are not humanly natural and they are not created to be of human nature. When it is understood the confusion (the problem) is not the person, and more precisely not actually a part of the person except when accepted in belief to be so, the awareness causes a release of the weight of darkness. As long as anyone takes a breath in this flesh life, there is an awareness of a need for being free from the self bondage that binds others in an effort to take control over the terror of mortal panic.

   Compulsions to hang onto the validated securities of who one is, according to particular physical attributes and talents, becomes the strength of a person's accepted identity - as long as the outward behaviors are seemingly acceptable and beneficial to others. As people agree to the things that are not harmful and against the things that are harmful there is what we know as worldly wisdom, or natural law. In the purest sense, if everyone were to be "of the persuasions of the surrounding environment" without a spiritual and eternal purpose, there would be a taking from each other without intent to harm and no harm considered or expected.

   Conversely, the Wisdom of God through His mercy of grace to overcome the evil intrusions that cause people to err in judgment of self over others is of a giving way instead of a natural worldly intent to take for oneself - though we understand the taking of generosity is an appreciation that overrides the temptations of personal advantage. It is, of course, contrary to the balance of individualism and autonomy in the concern for others without a selfish motive and makes it seem to be unproductive in a competition driven society. But, helping each other achieve for each other contrasted against helping each other achieve for self benefit gets blurred when there is not an internal wisdom of empathy and compassion shared among everyone involved.

   This internal awareness, as developed through interaction with our spouse (and the subsequent degrees of interaction with others), comes in the moment as we trust that our responses to others and the world's offerings are led by the present guidance of God. It is, as Paul said, a giving up of oneself as we encounter the now to accept one's true self in Christ.

John 2:13-17

"Trust? I have piles of it. I just don't know who to give it to."   ~  George Carlin

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