Global Warming

Human causes, but not global warming

1 John 1:4-9

   The motives of so-called "scientific discoveries" which put the focus on mankind for the causes of our weather changes is a social/political conditioning. It is true the weather patterns are becoming more severe due to the activities of people. But, it is not because of the concept of greenhouse gasses and the ideas of a global warming. God works in many mysterious ways to call us, His children, into His plans for living because we have eternal souls He most endearingly cares to care for.

   However, there are three overall ways He uses to get and keep our attention. Though we are most adamant about turning a deaf ear in our pride of self-determination; His Holy Spirit speaking the Truth to our hearts, Jesus Christ His Son carrying our consequences for wrongdoing, and God Himself, working through manifestations of natural (including humanity) weather and geological means.

   God expects people as human beings to delight in reordering the order of the earth’s nature for our own uses. The underlying reasons we do what we do, with each other, forms the healthy or destructive results the created world reels from… or sighs the beautiful sigh of contented thankfulness that provides fair weather, solid stable ground, and hearty animal and plant life. It is not as much that we have damaged the planet in a way to make it less inhabitable than it was before technological times.

   It is more that we have turned our backs on the very nature of why we exist. We were designed to be caring and sharing creatures with a selfless concern for the ones around us. But, through labor and working together to accomplish a better way of living, we have forgotten why we work. For example, an error that has undermined God’s intent for us as a people is the presumption a husband and wife may not be employed in the same location.

   Striving to follow our independent knowledge and intuition regarding God’s leading is not the same as following His leading to and from our personal vows in trust to others; and attempts to mold others to fit their will into our will. That reorients into unstable disarray their places and positions to and with us from God. Un-natural compulsions pushing humanity’s overdriven desires to consume, combined with trying to please our loved ones’ overdriven desires to consume, aligns our evermore confused hearts with patterns of distancing, rather than enhancing togetherness, from who we are to our mate, children, families and friends.

   Frustrations with wrongly founded impulses to achieve (by trying to fix what seems to be broken by breaking it more) prod us further on to strive even harder, in running away from rightly directed achievement, in hope to find the unity and harmony we know we need in our places and positions with those to whom we are responsible. As we go from each moment’s situation to the next, God gives to us the shared intelligence to create, devise, and build to our heart’s content as long as everything is done for His glory.

   The modern technology drive; conveniences of appliances, transportation, even electricity, though oftentimes spurred along because of traditionally overlooked evil intent, is a benefit instead of an opposition to purity and faith. The ever-present danger, though, is to prioritize the uses of our creations above God as our mutual Source.

   It is a blessing to do well for our family with the situations at hand but it is easy to be trapped by the ease of conveniences. Without the care and concern that gives structure to ideas which generate useful technology; ideas, thought of as the substance of technology’s flourishing progress, do not address the balances necessary to maintain and nurture society, and as a result, the natural functions of planet earth.

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   Modern transportation and communications have given to us the independence to be irresponsible through the isolation away from our inter-dependence and sharing within the responsibilities of family structures. Meaning: The power of money and its non-discriminatory and heartless influence brings to the attention of greedy self-focused individualists a sense of emotional security at the expense of their loss of integrity through the duties of respect to authority. When we are compulsive and impulsive it denies our joy of temperance in gratitude and destroys the world around us.

   Secular pragmatic scientific processing is being abused as a replacement for reliance in our God given measure of faith to depend in His reasons for what we do and do not do. People often become subject to the ‘church’ state of mind (organized social standards whether governmental, scientific, medical, and/or religious having a group identity – “mob mentality”), instead of the social ‘church’ being subject to God, a man and his wife, and their family.

   The means of exchange we call money has given to us selfish ideas and emotions which exclude long range goals of security, comfort, and joy for everyone. Idealistically throwing money at problems will never convert the ungodly heart to recognize that faith in money supplants faith in God. The natural rituals of purposeful function of the individual, as each of us is part of the greater whole of humanity, have been shirked and cast aside through the pride of accomplishment for accomplishment's sake. Our needs are few, and they include companionship, food, shelter, transportation, and clothes.

   Our wants are endless and quickly will transform a need into an extravagance when we identify ourselves with our possessions whether experiential or material. This does not mean we should live cheaply or buy low quality goods and services (though there are times and situations where doing so may be required), it means the reasons we have for what we say and do have been focused in establishing who we are through our own self interest instead of appreciating our respective loyalties under God’s authority.

   Genesis 12:3 says,  "That I may bless them who bless thee, But him who maketh light of thee, will I curse, - So shall be, blessed in thee, all the families of the ground." (this understood with regard that the admonition was made under Old Testament Law - Galatians chapter 3: Romans 9:1-11)   A man or woman, being married, represent themselves and each other. The promise from God to Abraham is a conditional proclamation concerning the choices each person has to honor their own position of authority, and the place of authority God bestowed upon Abraham along with his wife Sarah.

   As an aside, it is often wondered why the Holy Lands and the state of Israel are defensively maintained by allied forces. Many of the peoples in Europe, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and the USA… including Native Americans, have colonized and immigrated around the globe. They are not who are usually referred to as ‘gentiles’ but are descendents of the ‘10 lost tribes’ of Israel. Hidden is their heritage by century’s long environmental and local cultural traditions.

   Dignity and respect for who Abraham is in his decisions of faith applies to any of his descendents just as children represent the parents in a family. Or, for illustration, a sales representative is the essence of the company that employs him or her to the customer. It is not that one person is deemed to bless Abraham and another is deemed to make light of him. It is that everyone who is involved in dealing with Abraham has a choice to honor God's purpose in Abraham's life, or to treat Abraham as if he is contrary to their own desires - that he does not matter.

   Since Abraham represents God's priority of reality in the unseen as having life transforming authority over the temporal seen physical world, self-serving godless manipulation of the world is destructive to reality of life for everyone. When God's promise to Abraham says, "...all the families of the ground..." we understand that this way of living, God's promise to Abraham, is a promise that applies to everyone and not certain people as opposed to others.

   The fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But, then, there is repentance. Not a turning away from the wrong into a vacuum - a turning toward the right in the respect of active faith with the people around us. This active faith is active in our determination to stay the course with our wives and husbands, openly to each other, with who we are in all that we are.

   The wonderful strength of the good news of the Gospel is for everyone, but it is often turned into the bad news of hardship when we fear reprisal. It is not so much what we do with anything in life, it is why we do what we do - and that is not open to the persuasive manipulation "any means to an end" meddling in the lives of our neighbors. Common respect for the institution of marriage will always bring social order.

   Attempts at social order, without common respect for marriage, will neither bring social order nor respect the marriages of those who respect the process. Traditional matrimony is the only human condition providing the qualities of that effect for the individual as well as the community. Additionally, the environment itself is spiritually affected by and through people’s respect, and lack thereof, for their God designed positions unto each other and the rest of society.

   We are created a people of representation: Together, a unified family represents God’s Trinity, His Word of Creation; a man represents carrying Jesus Christ’s Cross (or consequences) for himself his wife and children, a woman represents carrying the Holy Spirit of Resurrection (or witness) of her husband’s word with hers, and their children, and social order in respect for God’s design of faithful living integrates a common shared respect of integrity called, “the Body of Christ”.

   In the face of traditionally falsifying social strictures and restraints, it is demonstrated throughout Scriptures that God wants us to live honestly. Many people will bristle resentfully to defend their emotionally focused sensibilities founded in containing their overblown fears with this: Honest living in faith allows anyone to wholeheartedly, and delightfully; openly flaunt what they have for the right reasons – (Luke chapter 20). There is nothing much honest about sneaking in the background, incognito, undermining others’ efforts.

Here is a list of the distorted attitudes we have accumulated with regard to our purposes for living:


1. Food

   We eat what we like the taste of and we do not eat what we do not like the taste of. We eat to get full. We pleasure in choosing delectable delights of culinary fancy without regard to any issues of health.

   We should eat for health - choosing from what is available to us the items that will bring the nutrients we need (red meat, fish, fowl, vegetables, and fruits; while substantially reducing  sugars and starches... of course that does not include horses, for God's sake) for strength and to guard against disease. There are numerous biblically based nutrition guides that show ways of healthy eating. However (or whatever) we eat, as we do what we can with what we have, we can prepare the healthful items we have chosen in such a way they are palatable and pleasure-able to eat.

   Here are two examples of active practical observance suggestions that can be applied in their ‘non-subjectivity’ to most anything encountered: One; there is a common ‘wives tale’ called the five second rule concerning food items dropped on the floor. When food comes into contact with germs – every place on any floor has unseen germs – if salvaged from finding its place in rubbish, carries those germs to our mouths. The time rule focuses us, unknowingly but dynamically, in the realm of faith-action where the trust we expect, naturally, is met with God’s protections in response to our functional will. Two; the ‘crunchy’ option of any brand, or all brands of peanut butter always is more nutritious because it mechanically has less sugar in the mix.


2. Sex

   We gratify ourselves through the use of others and call the emotionally conflicting and confusing results love. The instinctual involvements of a human being through intimacy automatically enforce and reinforce a sense of familial bonding. We, then, disregard the implications of entwinement with another, as it applies to our existing nature, by ignoring the permanent responsibilities to each other and the whole of society. When we get caught in the throes of the balance between keeping established a personal autonomy, and the emotionally twisted special-ness of having taken advantage of the pleasures of the use of ourselves and others; and the denial of the authorities and priorities involved with being responsible to and for our intimate partner and all others, we find ourselves killing our unborn children to hide our own indiscretions. We also find we have stds.

   ‘Moderation’ does not mean to be self-limiting; it means a self-willed freedom through responsibility found in dedication. For example, the reason for circumcision under the Law of Moses (among His holy people set aside for dispensing a faith witness that leads to Christ) is and was, in the fleshly sense, for cleanliness; and in a spiritual sense, to give wills of personal decisive mastery over the instinctual urges fleshly determination has. New Testament realities dispense with bondage to justification through works enfolded into Christ’s cross and give freedom of faithful choices to parents who wish to choose for their male children their own witness of intent.

   Each of the races was created to exemplify His order of ways in the world – in different ways. Mixed race marriages have a type of witness where the naturally inherent differences are melded into a unique family of will over instinct with respect to general humankind expressions of thankfulness marriage holds in Christ. In that sense, racial differences in Old Testament order are dissolved into faithful trust in dignity found, not in social directives, but in expressed personal witness of any marriage. Every person is born with particular tribal attributes that are seen in his or her shade of color and other physical/attitudinal characteristics. Multiracial unions, while justified in Christ under His open door for “whosoever will”, do not give credence to same-sex couplings.

   ‘All things being equal’, there is no equality in the propensity people have for urges of arousal associated with self-determination. What anyone likes and is consciously and/or subconsciously drawn to depends on their internal processing of environmental surroundings. A direction of will determination is the tough job of parents to mold unto natural ways – it is impossible to do without active faith in God’s leading. As a man or woman is born of a woman by a man through intimacy (untoward mistakes and violent intrusion aside), the focus of attention one or another has with regard to desire has no bearing on ‘factory production’ uses of our sexual functions God intends.

   Our Creating Father designed our physical bodies with intimate characteristics and capacities to be fully expressed personally and privately. That we, in self-willed misapplication, often take to mean gives us license to use God’s created physical functions contrary to His expectations. It is easy to realize the purpose(s) our ‘private parts’ have. We take it to mean that exclusive intimacy is to be hidden and secret rather than accepting that intended focus of loving attentions is God’s message of blessed joys He designed for us to take the time to experience knowing.

   Personal charisma is a gift from God, but people get egotistically possessive about it, using their whims of desire for purposes He does not intend. We understand the common clichés, “A place for everything and everything in its place… All things in moderation,” means that our faith should supersede our self-protective intimidating reclusive (falsely justified in public discourse) personal affirmations. Whether traditional commonly sensible wholesome ideas about sex and marriage prevail, it is a fact the ‘hatred is the opposite of love’ fallacy drives the resentful battles surrounding faithfulness and cheating.

   As instinctual arousal and subsequent physical activities transpire there comes an ignorant worldly wisdom that attempts to justify judgment against others by inferring one does not, or cannot, love a spouse if having had allowed an affair. Also, false distinctions arise between “Oh, it meant nothing – it was only that one time – I was drunk... etc.” and the secrecy surrounding clandestine resentful mocking defamation of integrity involved with hidden domestic realignment. As with the adulteress woman the Pharisees brought to tempt Jesus there is a vast difference in sexual expression, what the world calls ‘making love’ and marriage commitment.

   Again, the confusion steeped in our cultures round the world about the differences between loving fidelity and sexual experiential activities is found in believing in the knowledge of good and evil as if it is of and from God. Intolerance and repressive battling is based in fears of being discovered for having not followed social convention. It is found only where the reasons for entering into such activities are indistinct. Here “Actions speak louder than words.” also is used to misinterpret Christ’s redemptive grace and mercy.

   Word of faith protections through the bonds of matrimonial promise that many people use to lord it over God Himself by railing against their own self-centeredness projected onto those to whom they depend. Yes, people make mistakes. And, people make mistakes again and again and usually blame the injured party to conjure their reasons for reprisal. A firm caution for men only: Be careful whose wife you mess with. According to Christ's authority in the church, God does not like it. Most unwise is to blame a woman’s husband for your own mismanaged appetite.

   With respect to structured authority, and honor of a man’s name for God’s namesake, it is men who hold the keys to fidelity. In the purely practical sense, as was easier to maintain before contraceptives, the direct correlation between love, sex, and marriage was unbreakable to a matter-of-fact sense of understanding whether of the world or of God. As modern times have opened up the relational can of worms through chemical alternatives to reproductive order, the motives in generally accepted social behaviors no longer have their merit.

   Properly, interactions of intimacy are for the purposes of expressive and exclusive physical communication; consequently esteeming the bonds of responsible breeding. The abortion and stds issues will be dead. But, as always, situations do not fit the ideal. It is a choice to maintain devotional motives to stay the course through the committed thicks and thins of these chaotic days no matter what choices and/or pitfalls transpire.

   This sort of fidelity allows the resentful flares of indignation to find its solace in Christ’s active Spirit of Truthful patient longsuffering loving-kindness. In this, we should keep any personal intimate involvement within marriage between a man and a woman.  However, there are people of course who do not agree and some of them are close at hand for many of us. This is why we can, and should; love them for who they are and not what they do.

3. Clothing

   We dress for style and fashion based in the provocative tension between the socially contrived artificial values of modesty and immodesty - a "What will someone think or say?" emotional submission to community standards of status and rebellion. We dress for others (who are doing the same), instead of ourselves, and lose our dignity in the process by trying to find personal expression through social response.

   Any clothing we choose to wear should be for personal comfort, environmental protection, occupation requirements, and natural honest satisfaction where 'form follows function' in style of designs. Whether their appearances are well cared for or not, overtly or subjectively provocative from her own perspective or not, women are too often inundated with enticements from men as panting puppy magnets.

   In the attentions of those men who do not attend to their manly senses of resolve, the maturity of leadership required by trust through faith in Christ is dispersed into placing authority into women's hands to override through haughty disgust and disdain or shameless surrender, respect for created beauty as God intends people to enjoy. It makes for anguish and disappointment at the core of the very reasons either sex may endeavor to present for personal charisma.

   God does not tempt men and women with revealed natural beauty. That is what the devil does. Whereas conventional concepts of attractive significance  causes covering the flesh to keep special the valuations and rating of acceptable norms of behavior, the idolatry resulting presents a shameful underlying disconcert with indiscriminately (provocatively purposeful intent) revealing of natural physical appearances. Christ's covering clothes of righteousness are of an unseen protective Word of nobility despite any naturally physical attractions.

   In contract, people in public gathering places (anywhere openly accessible to unexpected observance) trust to have their standards of well-mannered behavior unexpected observance) trust to have their standards of well-mannered behavior not impinged upon. A woman should not feel ashamed or intimidated by tending to her child's needs with public nursing; meanwhile, men may divide their teams in a basketball or soccer game by 'skins' and shirts'. Many 'crowd control' laws in opposition to public nursing fail to address the sensibilities of the familial uplifting acceptance in natural reality found in the trusts of dignity where contradicting in-the-moment group settings demand public rules.

   Beauty, the created splendor of the human body, is quite a different 'animal' from God's perspective through faith in Christ than it is to fearfully self-protective and resentfully jealous men and women. So, the licensed intense preoccupation society has with sexual overtones and undertones of lewdness in nudity, (open exposure of directly procreative functioning body areas); general public rules hold court over is necessary to give the pressures of importance to keeping oneself respectfully covered.

   Those concerns are exponentially increased by inward interests about having and losing companionship attentions to unknown or unexpected influences. The primary reason for general taboos concerning expected covering is private personal hygiene (contain of body fluid emissions) to not be an unexpected soiling of public use walkways, seating, etc. The secondary reason, connected functionally to the first, is private personal containment of overt sexual arousal. The third, thought of by many as the first, is one's personal rights of decision to choose to share their physical appearance with only their spouse.

   'Clothing optional' groups take the concepts of freedom of natural expression to a polarized extreme where the primary reasons for covering get lost to casting blame against 'prudish restraints' that override free will. Anything is not 'what' but 'why' and when people are mature enough to understand 'why', their own behavior adapts to sensibilities that are not intrusive to others. But, not always because, properly, social wisdom must take its authority from through the personal decisions of individual family faithful reliance in Who God is to them as the Creator of social discourse.

   Subconsciously detested by traditional propriety is the belief that covering, or hiding, natural beauty means that God's plans for human personal interaction requires people, themselves, to take measures God, Himself, failed to provide. Morality and immorality are popularly confused as one and the same with traditional social customs. Traditional social customs are designed to restrain those who have yet to acquire inner self-restraint. Though often used to guage people's attentions to personal decency with regard to others, wearing clothes or not is not moral or immoral.

   But wearing clothes can be ethical or unethical (given that moral behavior is a faithful spiritual endeavor and ethical behavior is a politely social endeavor). Thus, it is with with any publically revealed display of 'naked-means-sex' intentions. The viewing of naked people concerning their sexual activities is harmful because it gives validation to the disrespectful reasons one or another would want to vicariously interact, and apply their interests to those things instead of tending to private expressions of their own intimacy.

  Many 'experts' believe and warn of dangers imagery, 'permanently inscribed images in the mind', to police the inner hearts of those they wish to follow their controls over the fears of social upheaval. But, the production and use of  pornography is a symptom of faithless self-determination in the name of God without the godliness thereof (or in spite of Him) by false-faith promoters whether of clerical persuasion and/or secular influence. Naturally, the human body is designed, created, in such a way that instinctual responses respond spontaneously to beauty wherever it is encountered without hints of infidelity.

   The spirit of men and women, the soul of intent, is where problems arise: Those who choose to act on their appreciations of beauty to possess as their own that of another without respect for who each is to whom is where difficulties arise. Those bent on creating a world for God, or Man, instead of allowing God to be Who He says He is in Christ; in the priorities of faithfulness in honor of marriage and households; with regard to the natural out-flowing of structures of personally expressive will to live wholeheartedly in the liberty of redemption and not in human devised patterns.

   We forget to remember that "To each his own." means not individualistic autonomy within the 'ant colony of humanity', but responsible freedoms with those a man and/or woman are constructively bound to in marriage and family. Because Christian living is unobtrusive to practical worldly wisdom for the sake of its witness, Godliness and ungodliness get generally confused with social graces

   Societal standards can only emulate Godly principles in that a worldly social collective is not an entity with a single voice of personal faith. This is why marriage between a man and woman is the required natural foundation to set social standards where there are agreed upon expectations about what a group of people may allow or deny its inhabitants. And, God is well pleased with that.

4. Transportation

Much of our traveling is to validate a false sense of right in our wrong living. There is a tremendous waste of fuel used for faithless reasons.

We should use, and enjoy in gratitude, our various modes of transport as we see fit to uphold the responsibilities we have, including our responsibilities within our rights and freedoms to do with what we have as we wish. This does not negate, but reinforces, freedoms of expression in quality and performance. Tending to personal performance automotive interests helps keep gratitude combined with the senses of achievement invigorated within our families and, therefore, on the road to a more vigorous and satisfied society.

For decades ‘Detroit’ and the aftermarket performance parts industry has been the most stable and highest employed sector in the USA. Vehicles represent a man’s natural hunter/gatherer instincts of provision for his wife and children. Personal and family vehicles all have their rightly esteemed purposes… as well as public transportation. Nevertheless, a tremendous reduction in fuel usage, vehicle degradation, and freed available personal time could be some sort of job relocation reassessment… in many areas people meet each other going opposite directions on the same roadway to the same vocation.

It is well known that thousands of two ton vehicles clog the highways with only the driver aboard. A suggestion: rather than driving high-fuel-consumption family vehicles like SUVs to work, a commute might be beneficially improved for safety and personally elevated regard to focus on smaller two-place performance oriented sport cars… And, yes, we do mean hotrods, motorcycles, and the like – traditional American ‘60’s - ‘70s small and midsize cars also roughly fit into this category because they are many or more pounds lighter than current offerings.

"If God had in mind for us not to go where we wish as often as we wish He wouldn’t have put so much oil underground." A plugged-in electric vehicle most likely is connected to an electric power generating station that burns diesel fuel or coal. The only ‘safe’ (free from natural resource depletion) electric supply source for public consumption is a hydroelectric power station which may or may not have the capacity to meet increased transportation demands.

Moderation in all things finds its reality, not in arbitrarily limiting consumption, but in minding our own purposes with respect to others minding their own purposes.

By request:

   Please use your turn signals. Turn signals are not to comply with a law that requires a signal to be on if we are in the midst of turning. The laws are a safety requirement to inform others on a roadway that a turn is being directly planned. That means to turn your signals on reasonably before you make a turn, or lane change, to alert those driving around you with a courtesy that will avoid a collision.

   We do not want to smash into another vehicle because the driver thinks a turn signal is for compliance with a law instead of its use being a protection for the driver and anyone who may need the foreknowledge to make the appropriate adjustments in response to traffic conditions ahead.

5. Work

   We work our jobs to acquire a paycheck to establish a selfish sense of independence and determination. We live in the resentful misleading notion that if we had enough money we wouldn’t apply ourselves to working. We are deceived into believing in an emotionally expressive status in the power to purchase and own. This leads to rating and judging ourselves and others in various degrees of acceptance depending on socially esteemed position(s).

   We should work our jobs, to do the best job we can in producing quality goods and services, because we are children of the living God. We should never work our efforts in any job because we feel we must for the money no matter what we do to gain an income. The work can be enjoyed for the work’s sake. Depending on locality and available employment, it may be necessary to accept work at a company that trades in decidedly un-Christian wares and services. For example, one living near a tobacco company may have no other source of income.

   Taking a job sincerely but not seriously gives attentions to uphold any work duties unto God; for the sake of your own household in His name. A job does not make anybody who he or she is, but who a man and woman are can make a job better in what it is. When we cease equating anyone’s identity with the work they are occupied we also find our own sense of stability is diverted from reactionary hypocrisy. Discretionary spending takes on an appreciation for those who produce what we buy.

   Spend less and someone, somewhere, is deprived of their expected income. Send our productions overseas to other countries… and the labor benefits go to them. There is no resentment to providing to other countries ways and technologies unless we lose our own sense of economic protections in the process. When times and circumstances change, as for a professional typewriter repairman in the face of computers and printers, a man or woman is still the same man or woman.

   Privately held family businesses are the same in that the work has its place to where a marriage is always a marriage whether or not a business survives. Doing our best in work and/or career is to realize our responsibilities - that we are in service to God in our marriages and families. No matter what occupation one is involved, a man or woman can faithfully be positively responsive in the tasks at hand in the workplace, not instead of or in spite of, a wife or husband. Therein is the realistic side of the cliché “Business is business.”

   According to Scripture, the vows of marriage, and God’s creative wisdom; a man’s hands are literally his wife’s and a woman’s hands are literally her husband’s… there is an avenue of shared appreciation in employed endeavors that bring a faithful joy to accomplishment – not for the profit generating aspects of the product produced, but for the sake of the quality of the product.


6. Money

   We use money to buy substitutes for reality. We, as men and women, go our separate ways to leave our children with whoever will keep them out of our activities in order to pay for the idea of the securities of home and family we are giving up for the purpose. So, we accumulate huge debts to buy our way out of the time and responsibilities we are willingly ignoring. We do this in an effort to fill the gaps we have created through a false importance of separation.

   There is enough shelter in the dwellings we have constructed, enough food in the stores we maintain, and enough generated utility power to eliminate the suffering of the homeless and downtrodden. Yet, we change the face of the constellations with satellites that appear as stars. It is our failure as a people in evaluating the troubles affecting ones who are adversely affected… in a way that increases our troubles by viewing our resources as ours instead of God's to share. No matter anyone’s financial status and/or false assumptions of class distinctions based in monetary quantities, any sincere work is considered by God to be honorable.


7. Health

   Illnesses are about ownership. Ownership… that says, “What is not of me I accept as of me so that I may attend to my recovery.” Illness may be from another, others, or ourselves but do not belong to any of us as part of our created living. Owning our illnesses, in tending to them with whatever means we have available, prompts us to transfer ownership to a caregiver such as a doctor. Oftentimes, in our loneliness (our craving for attention), we will intensify our ‘me’ of suffering in ways where our symptoms far exceed the symptoms of any particular ailment that has diverted our healthful state into distress.

  We should prioritize our spirit body over our flesh body where our will of ongoing decisions serves the spirit body that is whole and complete in Christ. When our spirit body is subject to our frail damageable flesh body, it is subject to the ills and pains associated with the flesh body’s interaction with environmental surroundings, including the faithless projected attitudes of Godless living others who are allowing their own spirit bodies to be subjected to their will in prioritizing flesh body instincts. When we subject our will unto and into the Will of God in Christ, we are placing our spirit body in its proper place of authority over our flesh body to keep it rightly in subjection to our complete whole vitality.

   Additionally, when our will of priority actively subjects our flesh body to our spirit body in faith, we realize that we may visit doctors for flesh assistance with ailments and take appropriate potions that may ease our flesh complaints that work to subvert our trust in Christ in keeping our spirit body in the lead. Since our wholeness is in keeping in priority the authority of the spirit body over the flesh body, our responsible trust in God is able to transform the flesh body into complete health.

   Realizing our flesh body is temporary while the spirit body is permanent, we have the freedom of the will of faith to trust in God to lift us up from miseries, in moderation and sensibility, to use His leading as we see fit. In marriage, when a man and woman share their vows of promise, the “two as one” is actually a melding and integration of two soul bodies that share one existence unto God according to His ways. This brings us to understand that our flesh bodies (though physically separate) are useful to appreciate the joys of shared spiritual wholeness for the right motivations.


8. Dating

   Though this is something anyone may figure out where they are, we have an overview to share about the ungainly and monsterous affects ignorance has played throughout the ages: As long as humankind has walked the face of the earth one would assume there would be established avenues and places where people can mingle for meeting and courtship. As important as stable family structure is (and always has been) we have not applied our good senses to providing reasonable support to those who are looking for life-long companionship.

   This causes a hap-hazard ‘one-night-stand-try-‘em-out-before-you-buy-‘em’ tramping of the very nature of determined fidelity. The manner the knowledge of good and evil aptly applies itself to our societies round the globe can be seen this way: Human wisdom, in trusting in wonder instead of fact, presents a falsehearted ‘meant to be’ happenstance to relegate meeting and romance into two opposed arenas; bars and churches.

   The church frowns on meeting in the church (which does include the local eatery and moviehouse) for other reasons than mindless acceptance of holy doctrine non-flesh considerations require. A bar is mostly the only place in a community where people can cast aside their inhibitions, intimidations, and self-consciousness. “Get ‘em all liquered up and tangled and then send them to church to police the situation.”

   In it all, keeping attentions within an age range, 5 years above and below one's own age will, through faithful trust in God's leading, bring a man or woman into awareness who is suitable. He is not, in His matters of creative course in our lives,  unaware and/or unable to put before anybody suitable companionship to tend to for more honestly devoted married duties with the dignity and respect given by Him as a moment transpires.

   The supernatural in the natural is His will for us to attend to with understanding that who we may have thought we were (and who we have thought others were or are) can never be who we all are in His designs. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)


   Living is not about what we have become. Living is about who we are becoming. Overall, people are conditioned in opposition to prevention in living in established trust in God through Christ.

   A central point in the messages of Jesus Christ is not a matter of who one trusts, because circumstances can change who we think we can trust. His calling is a matter of who one wants to consistently trust despite any circumstances. Ideally, everybody should be able to trust anybody eIse - most issues of trust, however, are due to misunderstandings.  Corinthians 2:9-16

  Most of us, over seven billion persons on our world today, are existing in a wishful, determined, disorganized fog. We are working against our natural world and its purposes, in our attempts to satisfy what we believe is a responsible right way (including the “wrong is right” anarchists’ irresponsible counter-stance protest) of living. This is why the climate is turning against us. The earth is alive in a way we do not realize in that nature and the elements exist via God’s expressed thought. Choices to be mature enough to be forthright with those who care for us, about why we do what we say and do, affects the earth’s function through our God given authority in Christ – whether or not we are accepting His salvation. Living for seemingly our own purposes, outside God’s mercy through faith in Christ, causes the functions of “mother nature earth” to ail.

   Amazing to comprehend, in our covetous practical thinking, is our ongoing connections to God’s natural merciful laws of creative maintenance are engaged according to His prophetic promises. Our true senses for realizing God’s livelihood, as it affects the planet’s health, is in how we respond to His expected obedience, or not, to those whom we are committed to, in and through our own promises. It may seem a disconnected connection, but our respect for faithfully active patterns of marriage, family, and our neighbors is undermined by gossip driven by self-indulgence. We live in Source-of-Life-denying pretense that taking care of our own business means meddling in the business of others as a “socially developing organism”.

   Since all things are created and held in existence by the promises of God through His spoken Word, and we as a people have His authority placed in our will, our collective attitudes and activities mold and shape the functioning of planet earth. We fight respect and appreciation for each other in our closest companionships, and consequently in war, collectively. In our pride we feel we have the right to be wrong. We refuse our right to be right in our responsibilities and we are too blinded by our collective narcissism ("When in doubt, restrict" attitudes of control superiority over and against others) to be humble enough to take care of each other, through the risk of faith, as we are designed.

   There is a structure of authority of freedom in Christ that is mostly cast aside as we go about our self destructive ways. Our egos and the pride of emotional intensities bring us to ignore our places unto ourselves and others by trying to establish our own places of design. We have forgotten to be humble enough to appreciate the reasons for the various functions of our existence and we have passed the misconceptions onto our children. As we turn our attentions to issues of soul salvation, our combined change in outlook and God’s power of healing will, by default, work in concert to bring back to us the beautiful planet we seem to be losing.

   The health of our planet is also a legal issue because justice, to the secular world, equates with punishment and God is also the God of Justice, but He is our Father of just rewards for life, liberty, and happiness through His Son in our behalf. God's plan of salvation involves deliverance from punishment into the justice of reconciliation. The risks of loss we face for fear of being advantaged by parasitic personalities has its considerable concerns. But, expressing redemption through our reaching out to the less fortunate, changes the consequences of wrong (in whatever form and for whatever reason) into the consequences of appreciated value worthwhile.


What to do

   Using the witness of Moses, Daniel, and Hezekiah as an example of who we are in Christ, we can take intercessory responsibility for the people who are working to force contradictions to faithful living in prayer before God. This helps remove the pressures of darkness from over those who are opposing God’s expectations for us all. Matthew 7:8 says, “For whosoever asks receives, and he that seeks finds, and to him that knocks, shall it be opened.”

   Years ago it was delightful for us to discover the archaic foundation of English words and the meanings of each of the letters that combine to make the words of our language. For example, the assemblage of letters’ meanings that make up the words ‘nature’ and ‘natural’, respectively, mean ‘of God’ and ‘of God in Christ’. Because of that, our further delight in biblical seeking gives to us joy in the straight-forward assistance directly evident from God in Christ:

   1st Peter 1:3-6 says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who according to His great mercy has regenerated us unto a living hope, through the resurrection of Christ from among the dead. Unto an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and unfading reserved in the heavens for you. Who in His power are being guarded through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein we exult, though for a little needless difficulty, put to grief in diverse trials.”

   And verse 12 of chapter 2 (given the leeway for understanding the in-context subject generally speaks), “Having your behavior among the nations honorable, in order that wherein they speak against you as evil-doers, they may owing to the honorable works they are permitted to behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.”   REB

Matthew 25:31-46

"There are two ways to live your life...  One is as though nothing is a miracle, 
The other is as though everything is a miracle."  ~ Albert Einstein

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